- 15Francesco Acerbi
- 23G. Mancini
- 21M. Lazzari
- 4B. Cristante
- 18M. Locatelli
- 17A. Cragno
- 6Emerson
- 11V. Grifo
- 12S. Sensi
- 14M. Kean
- 9K. Lasagna
- 1S. Sirigu
- 3C. Biraghi
- 10Giacomo Bonaventura
- 22S. El Shaarawy
- 19F. Caputo
- 7D. Berardi
- 13M. Silvestri
- 2D. D'Ambrosio
- 16A. Florenzi
- 5A. Ogbonna
- 8Jorginho
- 20R. Orsolini
- 4I. Armaș
- 5V. Posmac
- 7Artur Ioniță
- 21V. Raţă
- 20S. Plătică
- 1Namasco, Stanislav
- 6A. Epureanu
- 3Mudrac, Victor
- 2Reabciuk, Oleg
- 10E. Cociuc
- 17Milinceanu, Nicolae
- 23A. Koşelev
- 18A. Crăciun
- 15Suvorov, Alexandru
- 16Marandici, Denis
- 8C. Carp
- 19Nicolaescu, Ion
- 12Cebotari, Nicolae
- 22Graur, Dinu
- 14P. Racu
- 13M. Caimacov
- 9Boiciuc, Alexandru
I like both teams! I like Italy and Moldova! Of course Utaly will win this game. I saw some Moldova's matches and in last games they showed very attractive football!
But against Italy they have no chances. Last year they los 2:1 to France in Paris! It was Incredible!May be they will score but they have no chances!