AS Roma are undefeated against Genoa since May 18, 2014.
AS Roma have 7 wins and 1 draw in their last 8 matches against Genoa.
Genoa has not won since September 30th!
Genoa are on a current series of 10 games without a win (4 draws and 6 losses).
Roma want to return to victory and stop their series of 5 games without success (2 draws and 3 losses).
Unbeaten against Genoa since May 2014, Roma should set a new victory in its stadium and restart the machine.
Troyes has not lost to Clermont since 4 games.
We must go back to 2009 to see the last loss of ESTAC against Clermont.
Troyes is on a***nning series of 3 consecutive wins against Clermont at the Aube stadium.
In Ligue 2, Troyes has just taken 10 points out of 12 during the last 4 days.
Clermont is in the tough with 5 out of 12 points in game gleaned from the last 4 days of the championship.
Troyes is in a positive dynamic and should continue with a new good performance against Clermont.